How important is after school activities? I used to think that it was important to put my kids in swimming, Gymnastics, Dance etc. Now I feel different about it. I don't think it is as important to engage in all those activities. My children have enough to do with going to school and doing homework . Not to mention the abundance of state and city exams they are given . They don't really need the added pressures of a after school activity.
My kids are homebodies. They don't watch any T. V. During the school week , so it is not like they sit home and be zombies. They use their imaginations. That to me is a priceless tool I am giving them for life.
You see, A big imagination will help them dream big. When you dream big you set yourself up for success. They are taught that they can have anything they dream up . They just have to set their minds on achieving their dreams. All our biggest life achiever knew how to dream big.