Friday, July 18, 2008

How Do You Displine Your Children?

How do you discipline your children? Are you the type of parent that spanks your child? Do you just use TIME OUT? Is punishment an option?

I talk to different parents all the the time and I ask. I get mixed answers. It is not what they do that is interesting to me ,as much as why. I use punishment with my children. When they were younger it started as Time Outs. I started time outs with my kids as young as I would say a year and a half old. I decide that I would never put my hands on my children way before they were born.
I was disciplined with that type of parenting. All that did was create an angry child. I didn't learn anything but fear. Fear of my parents. I also learn that if I wanted to get someones attention or if someone wasn't doing what I wanted I could just hit them and they would listen. Really that doesn't go over to well with the person you are hitting.
I have a neighbor that uses her hands on her kids. We would walk to school with them in the morning. Her daughter was 4 at the time. On a regular basis she would smack her daughter in the back of the head. Hard enough that we can hear the sound of her hand meeting the head. It would make my kids so uncomfortable. They would ask me why? What did she do to deserve to hit like that? I told my kids just be thankful that I am not that kind of parent.

As I ask around I come to realize that there are few parents that don't use their hands on their children. That is pretty scary. Most of the parents say well that is how I was raised. Why does that make it right. I have 2 of the most amazing well behaved children. I treat them with respect I speak nicely to them . Sure I get frustrated with them. Sure it can get to the point I raise my voice. Even that I try to have more control of. It really is all about patience. I have to show discipline with my self. Everyday i make a promise to myself to carry the out most patience with my children. If I can display that with someone else children why wouldn't I do that for my own.

What is you reasoning for the way you discipline your children?

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