Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lazy Parent Tool... Do You Use One?

  How many time do I come across a child with a pacifier  in there mouth and the child is 3 years old. At 3 do you think a child needs a baby pacifier? Of course not. It is the Lazy Parent Tool.
There is no reason what so ever to give a child a pacifier. Not when they are crying, not to sleep , not for fun. No reason except the parent is to lazy to address the issues properly.

I have 2 children . Neither one of my children had a pacifier. Guess what they survived . They learned a lot more with out the pacifier than if i had shoved on in their mouths. They learned how to calm themselves down. They learned how to put themselves to sleep. It wasn't a miracle either. A pacifier is a habit you create for your child. It is man made, Probably by a lazy parent.

A baby is given a pacifier . She is 8 months old. Today a girlfriend tells me she put extra pacifier in the crib. For what I wasn't sure. I asked her when was she going to teach her to sleep with out one. She said when she is a year old. Why wait that long i asked . She said it isn't fair to take it away. Fair to who. She is just instilling the habit .  I fell it isn't fair to have created a habit that you are going to take away when the child has grown used to it. 
Hey to each his own. If you choose to use the pacifier take it away before it becomes a habit. Books that i have read say 4 months is a good time to take away the pacifier . The baby hasn't created an attachment to the object yet. By that age the baby needs to start to learn to sooth themselves.
Remember , We didn't have kids to short cut them. Take the time to instill good habits. Bad habits start as soon as you teach them. 

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