Monday, June 16, 2008

Abduction. It is real!

Do parents realize abduction is real? What age is okay to walk yourself to school? Should your kids walk behind you? Do you really trust the people your kids are left with?

Are your kids educated on the subject? They offer tons of programs for at home and school. One of my favorite dvd's is The Safe Side on Stranger Safety.

As a parent I feel it is never to early to inform your children that there are bad people in the world. I didn't just tell my kids once either. A few times a year, I sit my kids down and talk with them about Strangers.

At my kids school a few parents got together and decided to test the kids out. They had a stranger come into the school park to see who would leave with HER. They did a woman because people usually people assume it would be a man. Do you know 11 kids tested 11 kids failed. My kids weren't at the park that day but I would put my life on it that they wouldn't have left.

We shared the results with the school principle and she had a 2 programs brought into the school the following week. One was geared just for the really young kids. The other was for the whole school. They also had a program at the P.T.A meeting so the parents would know what the kids are being told. Then The board of ed had Playing it Safe .The national award winning non-profit safety program for the kindergarten classes.

I hope this made you think.
Talk to your kids .

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