Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Top 10 Ways to Excel as a Parent

People complement me all the time on what a great mother I am. I was born with motherly instincts. Some people are and some of aren't. That is Okay. We are all human and are capable of learning. I am going to list the Top 10 Ways to Excel as a Parent.

  1. Take care of yourself
  2. Remember you didn't learn everything overnight and neither will they
  3. Have patience
  4. Bend down and talk to them face to face
  5. Take the time to explain why
  6. Lead by example
  7. Instill manners and morals
  8. Teach respect
  9. Practice discipline {not the physical type}
  10. Love them unconditionally
I myself use these Top Ten Ways to Excel as a Parent everyday. I have two of the most understanding , caring and kind children around. They make me proud. They didn't get that way by themselves. Children have to be taught behaviors . They look to you to teach them. Don't fail your children .

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