Sunday, June 15, 2008

Manners and Morals

Are Manners and Morals a lost art?

I find that todays children aren't being raised with the manners and morals of yesterday.

Growing up, I was taught there was a time and place for everything and everything had a time and place. You respect your elders. You say please and thank you .It seems to be a dying art.

I am a mother of two children. I have a daughter that is 8 1/2 , My son is 6.

I am often told how wonderful and exceptional my children are. I have also been asked if i am a strict. I wouldn't go as far as saying i am strict, As much as children need to be taught behavior. I teach my children manners and morals that they should live by for the rest of their lives.

I think parents forget that behavior is taught. The way you eat, speak , act interact with others. When you see a child and you are blown away by their behavior, I see it as a reflection of what they are taught at home. I am proud of my children ,they represent my husband and I well. I can take them anywhere for any reason and don't ever question what their behavior might be. They know at home we can let loose. When you are out represent yourself with respect that you want to receive and that is what you will be given.

I am very active in my children's school and I am floored by the lack of self respect the children have. How can i expect them to show me or the school staff any respect when they haven't been taught to respect themselves.
When are the parents going to step up?

1 comment:

OliviaiB said...

I think this is so cool you have this up. I must agree though many kids do not exhibit the manner or morals you speak of. I do my best to let my son know he should be respectful but aware. If I see his is slipping up I snap him back into place because any behavior he displays is a reflection on my parenting skills. JMO-